Thursday, April 1, 2021


Amharic comedy books

Book Title: Keldoch - Ke Gabrovo Midir

Author: Arefayne Hagos

Genre: Comedy

Publishing Date: -

Language: Amharic

Pages: 105

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Funny Joke collections from the land of Gabrovo

Once upon a time tales recorded in history reports that a Bulgarian Mrs. Bezhana immigrated to Viliko Tarnovo (Bulgarian Capital City) with her children when the Balkan see and land was under Turkish control. One of the children of the Bulgarian was named Racho. Racho used to live in stony Yantra river side. The city built by Racho is called Gabrovo. A monument is erected in honor of  the city's founder Racho, at an island where the river Yantra crosses the city of Gabrovo. People of humor of Gabrovo jokes "its a place that can't provide any service"; when they remember about the place where the monument is erected. 

Gabrovo's land is rough making the inhabitants life tiresome and difficult. It might be because of that the Gabrovo's are handworkers, creative and humorous. Jokes collected in this book proves us that the Gabrovo are wise with creative skills who lives economically and with care. However, some also call them greedy and selfish. But no body denies they live by considering their future life in mind, economically and with wisdom. 

Today, Gabrovo is among one of the best known Bulgaria's regions that produces different industrial products. Gabrovo inhabitants are said to cut their cat's tails when they enter or exit their homes in order to minimize heat dissipation in summer season. Because of that a cat with its tail cut is used as symbol/icon of a jokes and satire international festival that is celebrated every two years.

This international jokes and satire festival has been celebrated for the seventh time this year. The competitions ceremony is conducted in Gabrovo city's three floor building jokes and satire center. The center is established in 1963 and it got registered by UNESCO after seven years of starting service. In short the Gabrovo land is becoming a center of international joke and satire center.

The Gabrovo might not be admired because they are funny or they are unique creatures. But, people who read this book will definitely have fun and joy by the Gabrovo jokes. That's why the book is distributed and translated in different languages including in English, Russian, Francaise, Germany languages. 

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